Mills Docs: Superior Technical Documentation
Conveying technical concepts
through clear written communication
and practical examples
With over 20 years experience documenting web technologies and more besides, Mills Docs is your ideal partner for meeting your docs needs.
We excel in understanding your audience, gathering requirements, demystifying complex topics, and writing clear content you can be proud of.
We write technical documentation for the likes of
We can help with
- Developer guides and tutorials
- API reference docs
- Product docs and manuals
- Information architecture
- Demo/sample code
- Dev rel copy such as blog posts
- Marketing/creative copy
- Editorial requirements such as copy editing
- Documentation process and practice
- Documentation presentation/layout
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility and other best practices
Five-step documentation process
- Discuss requirements
- Scope audience
- Assess their needs
- Determine IA structure
- Write the docs
Who are we?
Mills Docs is managed by Chris Mills and based out of the beautiful village of Greenfield, in the UK. Chris has over 20 years of experience in writing documentation, open standards/open source, and dev relations, with full-time work experience including documentation manager at Okta, content lead of Mozilla's MDN Web Docs site, and Dev relations manager at Opera. He is a believer in the power of the web as a great leveller in terms of education and accessibility.
Outside work he loves listening to music, playing drums and guitar, cycling and walking, and spending time with his awesome family.